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Title slide of a PowerPoint presentation reading: Building the Invisible. The Art and Science of Great Product Architecture

Video: The art and science of great product architecture

Watch Doug's Tech York talk on great product architecture

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AI generated image showing a girl pouting whilst taking a selfie

Stop being sexy. Why you probably shouldn’t do more than flirt with AI. Yet.

Are you behind in the race to AI? Should you be harnessing large language model power to revolutionise your business?

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The legend of Kevin in the basement

Why user research is an unmissable opportunity in software product modernisation

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Start ups: launching a marketplace

We've built a few; some thoughts

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Video: Iomart on selecting Isotoma as their digital agency

Watch Neil Christie of Iomart

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When Is Out of the Box Out of the Question?

Are your software requirements unique? When should you build rather than buy?

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